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Together Forever

Wine me and dine me and bring me flowers
This love between us, this love is ours
Soft lights and quiet music set the scene
We'll go to a place we've never been

We'll dance among the stars and walk on the moon
We'll start at midnight and finish at noon
And then I'll take you to heaven and above
So the angels can guide us along the path of love

I'll make a bed of roses to rest your head
And I'll cherish every word you've ever said
Then I'll lock you in my heart and throw away the key
So with me forever you'll always be

My love is like a blanket I'll wrap you up tight
I'll keep you warm every cold and dark night
We'll melt together then break the mould
And we'll ride every rainbow in search of gold

Our love is eternal it will never die
We'll be forever on cloud nine sailing the sky
Kept for always by a solid bond of the heart
Together forever and never to part

© A S May 1986

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