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Re-Image Me

We live in a society obsessed with looks
Adorning the covers of magazines and books
Computer trickery selling us a lie
Just stop for a minute and ask yourself why?

Why do they airbrush blemished skin
When real beauty comes from within
Telling us we should look like this or that
If you're a size 10 then you're way too fat

There's money to be made from vanity
Exploiting peoples demons is the key
Creating an image impossible to reach
Then charging a fortune for what they preach

Faceless people deciding what's "in" or "out",
Making statements and casting doubt
Over your fashion and how you dress
Causing you anxiety and undue stress

Skeletal models parading ridiculous clothes
Fashion houses looking down their nose
Making you feel like a fashion pariah
If their clothes you don't desire

Fashion magazines say I should be pretty and thin
But I don't have the money to go to the gym
I don't have the kind of looks that can kill
And as for my age, well I'm over the hill

So thanks for making me feel like shit
Crushing my confidence bit by bit
I look in the mirror not liking what I see
But I can't press a button and re-image me

© A S May 2013

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